️ Are you looking to make your bedroom a more calming space? If so, keep reading to find several easy ways to detoxify your space.
1. Clean With Lemon Juice
Try squeezing fresh lemon juice into a spray bottle and diluting it with water to create a cleaning solution that’s naturally antibacterial and leaves a fresh scent behind.
2. Invest In Red Lighting
Try replacing your room’s regular white lightbulb with a red one or hang some red LEDs in your room to turn it on when you turn out the lights.
3. Hang A Plant
Plants not only brighten up a space but also help detoxify the air and lower anxiety.
4. Leave Technology Out
Rather than scroll through Facebook before bed, try reading a book instead. Also, switch out your phone’s alarm clock feature for a manual solar-powered alarm clock instead to make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary.
5. Introduce Lavender Into The Space
You have many options for introducing lavender into your bedrooms such as a lavender-infused sleep mask, soy lavender-scented candles, or even lavender pillow spray.
6. Revamp With Voc-free Paint
While this kind of paint can be more pricey than regular paint, it won’t release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air in your bedroom.
7. Choose The Right Colors
Without a doubt, the best color for a bedroom is blue. Use varying shades of blue to decorate your bedroom to create a calming, relaxing space conducive to a better night’s sleep.
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