Do you have small children or pets in your home? What about someone with a weakened immune system?
⬇️ If so, you may want to add disinfecting your floors to your sanitizing routine. Here’s what you need to know.
1. Not Everyone Needs To Disinfect Their Floors
The best way to go about disinfecting your floors is to begin where you enter the house. Entryways are notoriously germy as that’s where everyone comes in with shoes on.
2. Use Steam To Disinfect
Steam cleaners work on almost every type of flooring, including carpeting. Make sure it reaches temperatures of at least 167ºF, which is the temperature the CDC recommends for killing most bacteria and viruses.
3. Mopping
Regular floor cleaners typically contain surfactants that loosen bacteria so it can be mopped away. After mopping with a household floor cleaner, be sure to follow up with a spray disinfectant that contains rubbing alcohol or bleach to fully disinfect the floor.
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