1. Red Wine
Blot up as much of the wine as possible. Use a paper towel or a clean, soft cloth to blot up any excess that hasn’t absorbed into the carpet fibers. Do not rub or scrub the stain!
2. Grass
Spray the stained area liberally with stain remover or apply laundry detergent directly to the stain. Rub the cloth together to work in the detergent. Wash the garment normally.
3. Grease
Wet the grease stain with cool water. Apply a grease-fighting dish soap like Dawn to the stain and gently rub it to loosen the grease. Rinse and repeat until you’ve removed all the surface grease.
4. Blood
Soak the garment in cold water. Use your fingers to gently rub the spot as it soaks. Depending on the amount of blood, you may need to change the water periodically as the blood comes out of the fabric and the water turns pink.
5. Perspiration
Invest in a good prewash stain remover. Apply it as directed, and let it sit for several minutes before washing.
Emma Co Personal Real Estate Corp | Macdonald Realty
emmaco.realty@gmail.com | 6046183888
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