Renting comes with several benefits, one of which is the fact that you usually don’t have to fix anything yourself. However, there are some instances where it might just be easier to do it yourself rather than wait for a repairman.
Here are several things you can probably fix yourself, even if you rent.
1. Inefficient heat/air
Clean/replace the filter, install insulation around ductwork and avoid adjusting the thermostat up or down drastically.
2. Old caulking
If you notice the caulking in your apartment bathroom is yellowed or grimy-looking, you can purchase the supplies you need to replace it fairly cheap
3. Holes in the walls
You’ll need to call in a repairman or two to fix any underlying issues as well as repair the drywall.
4. A plugged toilet
Most plugged toilets require a simple plunger, but if that fails to work, a plumbing snake should do the trick.
5. Squeaky floors
You can stop squeaks from happening by sprinkling baby powder on the floor making the offending noise.
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